Oldest Lawnmowers in The World!

Oldest Lawnmowers in The World!

Over the decades, history has seen humans invent some pretty interesting and useful gadgets and machines that have changed the way we are able to do things. One of these things was the invention of the lawnmower.

In this article, we’re going to look more closely at two of the oldest landmowers in the world, so let’s take a closer look.

2 Oldest Lawnmowers

2. Atco Lawnmower

Year or time period of invention: 1921
Location: England
Still in use today: Unclear

Atco LawnmowerPhoto Source: Wikimedia Commons

A few decades after Edwin Beard Budding invented and created the first lawnmower, a company called Atco Ltd began manufacturing the first motorized lawnmowers. They were launched in 1921 and were immediately successful.

Did you know?

The Atco lawnmowers costed £75 each, and five years after they were launched, the company began producing over 10,000 lawnmowers each year.

1. Edwin Beard Budding’s Lawnmower

Year or time period of invention: 1830
Location: Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
Still in use today: Yes

Edwin Beard Budding’s LawnmowerPhoto Source: Wikimedia Commons

Edwin Beard Budding invented the world’s first lawnmower. He took his inspiration from a machine at a cloth mill that had a bladed reel and trimmed piece of wooden cloth to give it a smoother and more refined finish. Budding got to work and began designing the mower as we know it today.

His design was created to trim the grass on sporting grounds and large gardens, and it was created as an alternative or replacement to the scythe, though researchers remain unclear on its exact purpose. After refining his design, he was eventually granted a patent in 1830, and he never looked back after that.

Did you know?

Two of Edwin Beard Budding’s earliest lawnmowers were sold to the Oxford colleges and Regent’s Park Zoological Gardens in London.


In this article, we took a look at two of the world’s oldest lawnmowers. It’s interesting to note how these lawnmowers changed the way we were able to maintain and keep clean our gardens and other outdoor spaces, and we hope that you learned something new from this article.

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